Emotions Boil Over as Fishermen, Jasper Head HOA, Selectboard Spar Over Pettegrow Point Road Turnaround

Local Businessman, Jeff Huntley, Floats Possible Solution

By Paul Sylvain

If words were punches, there would have been a lot of black eyes in Machiasport, following a fiery discussion on Jan. 27 between fishermen, members of the Jasper Head Homeowners Association (HOA), and the town’s selectboard about a proposed truck turnaround on Pettegrow Point Road.

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Dive Team Recovers One of Two Scallopers Who Perished in F/V Sudden Impact Sinking

By Paul Sylvain

The body of one of two South Addison scallop fishermen lost when their boat, F/V Sudden Impact, sank on Jan. 18, in high winds and rough seas near Moose Cove, was recovered by a dive team on Feb. 2.

The Maine Department of Marine Resources reported on Feb. 2, that a team of “highly-skilled volunteer divers” located and recovered the body from inside Sudden Impact’s cabin. The body of the second crew member was not not found on or near the wreckage. 

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Alvin Hall, Legendary Local Musician, Dead at 95

By Will Tuell

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New Scoreboard, Banner Serve as Timeless Memorials to ‘Our Miss Jenny’ at FOB

By Paul Sylvain

Fort O’Brien School in Machiasport remembered their much-loved secretary, Jen Green Feeney, during a brief ceremony prior to the school’s final regular season basketball game on Jan. 30. The school unveiled a new electronic scoreboard and a memorial banner, which will be hung under the new scoreboard in the school’s gymnasium

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Carter and Tango Newest K9 Team at Washington County Sheriff’s Office

By Paul Sylvain

The Washington County Sheriff's Office has a new “Deputy Dog” with the arrival of K9 Tango and his handler, Cpl. Matt Carter.

Tango is an 18-month-old German Shepherd who began his training on drug and evidence detection, in addition to tracking, on Jan. 28 with Cpl Carter. 

“We are expecting big things from this team and they are a great addition to the agency,” the Sheriff’s office said in a post on its Facebook page. “We consider ourselves pretty fortunate, as we have several MCJA trainers.”

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Beals Board Learns Marina Ineligible for FEMA Aid

By Nancy Beal

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Iconic Lubec Smokehouse Recognized by National Park Service

The Maine Historic Preservation Commission is pleased to announce that the McCurdy Smokehouse in Lubec has been recognized by the National Park Service as having a “National level of Significance” in the National Register of Historic Places.

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Machiasport Volunteer Fire Deptartment Chief Calls Staffing Shortage ‘a Serious Situation’

By Paul Sylvain

The Machiasport Fire Department, like many small-town Maine fire departments, is struggling to fill its roster of volunteer firefighters to adequately attack a blaze when one occurs in the community. As the department’s chief, David Neilsen, told the town’s selectboard on Jan. 27, “We need help really bad.”

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From Dawn to Dusk, a Day in the Life of a Machiasport Scallop Fisherman Aboard F/V Greyhound

By Paul Sylvain

Most people enjoying a plate full of fresh Maine scallops have no clue about how they make it from the depths of the Gulf of Maine to their dinner plates at home or at a fine-dining restaurant. And if they spent just one frigid January day on the water dragging the ocean floor for their dinner, they might understand why those yummy white ocean meats can cost as much as $30 a pound.

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Police Chief Predicts MPD will be ‘Unaffected’ by Curtailment of Services by the Sheriff’s Dept.

By Paul Sylvain

Sleep tight, Machias. Your police department has you covered.

That’s despite a reduction in local coverage outlined in a letter sent to municipal police departments in Machias and four other towns in mid-January by Washington County Sheriff Barry Curtis. 

“Over the past decade, we … have worked very hard to help fill in gaps in your police department's schedule, as we have all faced challenges with filling rosters and budget issues over that time period,” Curtis wrote in the undated letter. 

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