Watershed Moments

by Jonathan Reisman

I traveled to Augusta in early February to testify on several climate, energy, and environmental policy bills. The geography of the three-hour drive triggered memories of similar journeys over the past forty years.

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye

I’m headed to Augusta for a Feb. 6 public hearing of some consequence to Washington County, rural Maine, the 2nd Congressional District, and Maine as a whole.

LD 183, An Act to Cap Publicly Owned Land Area at No More than 50 Percent of Any County, is sponsored by House Minority Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham, R-Winter Harbor, and the entire Washington County delegation. Here’s the summary:

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by Jonathan Reisman

That mouthful refers to America’s upcoming 250th anniversary, now less than 18 months away. I have a feeling that Donald Trump’s TV and showman experience is going to play a big part in what I hope is a huge, happy party. I think there is a lot of work and planning to do for that to happen.

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Opening Moves: Public Advocate, Equity Schadenfreude

by Jonathan Reisman

The opening weeks of 2025 have brought home the consequences of mixing climate alarmism with identity/woke politics. The Energy, Utilities and Technology committee held a Public Advocate confirmation hearing where the Senate Chair ruled that any discussion of Maine’s energy and climate policies would not be allowed. 

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January Alarms

by Jonathan Reisman

January has brought an array of alarms in California, Maine, and North America

Fire alarms in California

The California wildfires are both a natural and human-enhanced disaster. Governor Gavin Newsom’s inferno was made worse by decades of water policies prioritizing endangered snail darters and green liturgy over reservoirs and aqueducts. Controlled burns and fuel load management are apparently not consistent with a conviction that the cause of wildfires is anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change.

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Pre-Inaugural Sturm Und Drang

by Jonathan Reisman

The events in New Orleans, Las Vegas, and the Swamp have quickly turned post-election optimism and confidence to pre-inaugural Sturm Und Drang fear, uncertainty, and turmoil. I am, and have been certain, Joe Biden was never “sharp as a tack” or “in charge,” despite having been told that repeatedly over the last four years. A wide swath of the left and the media chose to ignore and cover up Biden’s decline.

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In the Year 2025…

by Jonathan Reisman

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December Attention Deficit Disorder

by Jonathan Reisman

December has been a bit of an emotional and political rollercoaster, which can make focusing on weekly wordsmithing problematic. End of year Christmas and New Year’s columns often have early deadlines, and that is the case this year. On top of that, my head is spinning from a strange combination of sadness and grief one year after my wife’s passing and confident optimism, pride, and pleasure in my writing and political and policy productivity. The result is a somewhat scattershot column.

Equity and ME

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Equity Jeopardy

by Jonathan Reisman

Jeopardy Answer: Policy goal that is loudly proclaimed and pursued across nearly every sector of American society but is rarely (if ever) defined or assessed. 

Jeopardy Question: What is Equity?

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Ronin Reflections

by Jonathan Reisman

My Policy Ronin column on political samurai without masters elicited a number of responses. Two readers sent uniform/wardrobe suggestions. The armored chain mail option would probably protect me from lefty lances, but I am skeptical it would be allowed through the security checkpoints in Augusta. The less martial masked alternative is clearly the post-Covid cosplay of choice.

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