Biden, Trump Win Maine Presidential Primaries
By Staff
Maine voters selected President Joe Biden (D) and former President Donald Trump (R) in the state’s March 5 “Super Tuesday” party primaries, setting the two presumptive frontrunners up for an eventual rematch of the 2020 election on Nov. 5. With 90-percent of precincts reporting, Biden was the preferred choice of 92.9-percent of Democrats and unenrolled voters participating in the party’s primary over challenger Dean Phillips, while Trump secured 72.4-percent of Republican and unenrolled voters participating in the party’s primary over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Haley, the last remaining Republican challenger to the former president and two-time Republican nominee, claimed 25.8-percent of the electorate statewide according to unofficial totals obtained from NBC News.
In Addison, Trump beat Haley 140-11; Biden beat Phillips 23-1. Trump took Baileyville 77-10; Biden took the milltown 22-2. In Beddington, Trump prevailed 13-2, while Biden and Phillips each picked up one vote. Calais turned out for Trump by a 154-40 margin; Biden coasted to a 59-5 victory in the St. Croix city. In Cherryfield, it was Trump 148-19 and Biden 48-1 with 9 write-ins. Columbia Falls voted 88-10 in favor of Trump and 9-1 in favor of Biden. In the fishing hamlet of Cutler, Trump dominated 66-13, while Biden overpowered Phillips 17-1 on the Democratic side.
Deblois was a clean sweep for Trump as voters there chose him 19-0; Biden shut out Phillips 1-0. Trump took East Machias 136-24; Biden took it 44-3. Trump took Eastport 90-20, while Biden romped to a 110-6 win in the Port City. Trump won Jonesport 108-11; Biden swept the town 31-0. Trump took Lubec 100-24; Biden won the easternmost town in America 92-3.
The Shiretown turned out for both frontrunners. In Machias, Trump picked up the victory 104-23 over Haley, while Biden cruised to a 51-8 victory. Neighboring Machiasport was also kind to both frontrunners with Trump winning 82-16 and Biden prevailing 34-3. In Marshfield, Trump won 55-12 and Biden won 10-1.
Milbridge delivered 113-33 for Trump and 37-2 for Biden. Northfield went 12-7 for Trump and 7-1 for Biden. Roque Bluffs went 30-9 for Trump and 15-1 for Biden. Trump dominated Steuben by a vote of 225-27 while Biden cruised to a 68-12 victory in the county’s westernmost town.
According to the Bangor Daily News, Trump dominated Alexander 60-4; Biden won 12-2. In Columbia, Trump prevailed 52-4 and Biden swept the town 6-0. In Cooper, Trump won 18-4 and Biden prevailed 5-2 over Phillips. Trump took the Route 9 community of Crawford 19-3, while Biden blanked Phillips 1-0. Washington County’s northernmost town, Danforth, voted 53-7 for Trump and 2-0 for Biden. Grand Lake Stream voted 26-1 for Trump and 6-0 for Biden. In Harrington, Trump won 109-10; Biden won 15-1.
It was 53-13 for Trump in Jonesboro, and 13-2 for Biden. In Meddybemps, the BDN reports that Trump won 24-3, while no votes were cast in the Democratic primary. Pembrokers turned out for Trump by a 71-20 margin, and for Biden by a 27-2 tally. At the Pleasant Point reservation, Trump won 13-3 and Biden swept Phillips 2-0. Robbinston voters selected Trump 65-6 and Biden 10-1. Talmadge voted Trump 11-3 and Biden 1-0. Trump topped Topsfield 26-8, while the BDN reports no Democratic votes were cast in the northern Washington County village. Wesley went 23-2 for Trump and 3-0 for Biden. Both Trump and Biden swept Whitneyville with the former president winning 17-0 and the current one tallying a 4-0 victory.
Results for Baring, Beals, Beddington, Charlotte, Dennysville, Indian Township, Perry, Vanceboro, Waite, and Whiting were not available as of March 6.
Both Trump and Biden are expected to receive, and accept, their parties’ nominations this summer before voters head to the polls this fall.