
by Jonathan Reisman

I do not get (or give) a huge amount of feedback, but I appreciate it. Criticisms, praise and suggestions are delivered via e-mail, snail mail, in grocery store aisles and by the side of the road. Praise is good for the ego, but criticism is better for the product for fifty years, the Beatles and The Prince have both battled and stayed with me. Niccolo Machiavelli counseled that it is better to be feared than loved; John Lennon countered that all you need is love.

One anonymous U.S. Postal Service letter writer responded to my criticism of Janet Mills’ abortion on demand till birth policy campaign lies with the observation that abortion was an electoral loser for Republicans, implying that I should leave it alone. The letter writer may be correct. The Democrats are poised to pass the Governor’s abortion bill with a meaningless “standard of care” amendment meant to protect them from an electorate that supports neither late-term abortions nor campaign dishonesty. The Democrats can depend on the support and protection of the legacy media in suppressing coverage of the matter. For a taste of what true “diversity” in the media really looks like try

A summer neighbor and retired teacher thanked me for Kilowatt Killers, where I sought to hold the climate cultists accountable for the expensive and unreliable energy their policies have given us. A University of Maine System business faculty colleague e-mailed praise for my related “California’s Grid” Beach Boys alternative energy parody. Another parody fan especially appreciated the apologetic nod to Brian Wilson, Mike Love and Greta Thunberg. I am glad to provide few smiles at a time when events in Augusta and the swamp are decidedly depressing.

The Quoddy Tides, our local bi-weekly largely liberal Democrat rag (which is appropriate for Eastport, after all) had a front-page headline attributing wildfires to climate change. The article quoted a Canadian climate cultist at length without citing any evidence to support the claim, which is par for the climate cultist course. Religion, after all, is a matter of belief, not logic and evidence. My view of the Canadian burns and climate change propaganda goes directly to the great white blackface wannabe tyrant of the North Justin Trudeau: “Liar, Liar, pants on fire!”

The Maine Monitor is a “non-partisan” “non-profit” “journalism” enterprise that puts out “special” coverage of climate change and Washington County amidst pleas for tax-deductible charitable contributions to support their “mission”. I recently e-mailed their climate change “journalists” the following titled Greetings from a climate change realist:

In case your commitment to journalism ever includes talking to a climate realist/skeptic (and one who challenged Gov. Mills over First Amendment concerns when as AG she sued Exxon Mobil with 17 other Dem AG's, including now Mass Gov. Healy), I'd be delighted, if somewhat astonished, to talk with you.

I attached nine climate change policy columns and a link to the Beach Boys parody. I also copied Maine Public’s Susan Sharon, who recently wrote a story about the troubling rise of climate denialism in Washington County without mentioning one of the principal “deniers.” I was not astonished to get crickets in response. After ten days, one of the members of the society of environmental journalists (green ink-stained wretches?) did deign to respond, averring that she was not a climate scientist and not in the habit of debating basic climate science facts with those who still doubt them, but would contact me in the future if my policy and economic perspective were needed.

One Calais area reader has suggested I should write about hypocrisy, which is in prolific supply in Augusta and the swamp.  This is fertile ground, as special counsel Jack Smith demonstrated when he announced the indictment of Donald Trump as a victory for equal justice and the rule of law while being applauded by Hillary Clinton and the frauds on The View, CNN and MSNBC. The political propagandist class is ably replacing the striking Hollywoke writers. I should not say any more, lest I be accused of picking at a scab.

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